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2 Things The Fluid Can Tell You About The Health Of Your Car's Transmission

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Unless you notice that your car is having difficulty shifting gears or find that the engine revs up too much before a gear change, you may not know if there is a problem with the transmission. However, there are often unseen problems that go unnoticed until the transmission breaks down completely. Fortunately, there is a way that you can determine the overall health of the transmission: inspecting the fluid. There are a couple of things that the fluid can show about the condition of the transmission as well as alert you to any hidden problems. Read More»

Why You Should Have Your Car's Transmission Fluid Drained Regularly

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If your vehicle has an automatic transmission, then you might not pay much attention to it. After all, you don’t have to worry about things like shifting gears; instead, you can probably count on your transmission to do its job on its own. Even though this is true, you shouldn’t allow yourself to forget about your transmission and the basic care that it needs. For example, from time to time you should have all of your transmission fluid drained out and replaced. Read More»

How Can You Diagnose a Hard Starting Issue?

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The engine in your car can’t turn over without air, fuel, and spark. Air and gas must reach the combustion chamber in the proper ratio, and the ECU must then provide a correctly timed spark to light the mixture. If the engine can’t receive these critical elements, it can’t turn over, and you won’t be going anywhere in your car. Of course, not every starting issue is so cut and dry. Read More»