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Why You Should Have Your Car's Transmission Fluid Drained Regularly

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If your vehicle has an automatic transmission, then you might not pay much attention to it. After all, you don't have to worry about things like shifting gears; instead, you can probably count on your transmission to do its job on its own. Even though this is true, you shouldn't allow yourself to forget about your transmission and the basic care that it needs. For example, from time to time you should have all of your transmission fluid drained out and replaced. This is a car maintenance task that many people overlook but that is incredibly important for these reasons.

Help Your Transmission Run Cooler

An overheating transmission is a major problem, and it is something that is more likely to happen if you don't drain and replace your transmission fluid frequently enough. Basically, your transmission fluid helps with keeping your transmission cool. If it's dirty, it might not circulate like it's supposed to, so it might not do a proper job of keeping your transmission cool. Once the old transmission has been flushed out and replaced, though, the transmission fluid should be able to circulate around and keep your transmission at a cooler temperature.

Keep Parts Properly Lubricated

Your transmission has various working parts that all have to work like they are supposed to if you want your transmission to operate properly. Gears, bands, and other parts cannot move like they are supposed to if they are not properly lubricated, which is one important job that your transmission fluid does. Make sure your transmission parts can move like they're supposed to by going in for a transmission drain.

Enjoy Smoother and Better Performance

Right now, your vehicle might not feel as if it shifts smoothly like it once did, even though it might still shift. In some cases, this could be an indication of a transmission problem. In other cases, though, it might be a sign that your transmission fluid needs to be drained and replaced. Once you have this done, you might enjoy smoother and better performance from your vehicle, which can make it a whole lot more enjoyable.

Extend the Lifespan of Your Transmission

As a car owner, you might be aware of the fact that a transmission is one of the most expensive parts of a vehicle. Therefore, if you want to avoid a big and expensive repair bill, you may want to do what you can to extend the lifespan of your transmission. Luckily, having your transmission fluid completely drained and refilled from time to time is one thing you can do to extend your transmission's lifespan.

Contact an auto shop near you to learn more about auto transmission fluid draining
