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Answers to 3 Commonly Asked Transmission Repair Questions

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Your transmission is one of the complex and essential parts of your vehicle, so of course, you should take good care of your transmission system. Yet even with proper care, your system doesn't last forever. You'll need fixes, and questions arise about transmission repair services. Discover answers to three such questions.

1. How Can I Avoid Transmission Repairs?

Transmission problems are not wholly avoidable, but you can take the necessary measures to limit your risk. If your system gets damaged due to neglect or improper transmission repairs, you will undergo hefty costs for a rebuild or replacement. So, follow the below tips to keep your transmission in good shape:

  • Inspect the fluid regularly. The transmission fluid minimizes friction for the efficient functionality of the gearbox. Nonetheless, the liquid doesn't last forever. So, use your manual to find the transmission fluid receptacle and check for a dark appearance or rotten smell. See a transmission repair professional for a fluid change if you find anything abnormal. 

  • Take good care of your engine's cooling system. The cooling system cools the engine and the transmission. Since the transmission is delicate, always have enough coolant and maintain your cooling system.

  • Don't tow in overdrive. If your car has an automatic overdrive transmission, turn off the overdrive when you tow. Otherwise, you may face an excessive over-shift between the overdrive and the next lower gear.

  • Don't overload your car. Vehicle overload exerts unnecessary strain on the power transmission. You'll avoid failure and costly transmission repairs if you maintain the appropriate load based on your vehicle's capacity.

2. How Much Does a Transmission Repair Cost?

There is no one-size-fits-all transmission repair cost. Instead, how much you pay depends on the severity and type of damage. For instance, fluid change costs less than solenoid shift replacement. Nonetheless, average transmission repair charges range from $300 to $1400.

The labor charges also significantly impact the final transmission repair cost. For instance, hectic operations cost more wherein your mechanic has to disconnect fluid lines, engine mounts, electrical wires, etc.. Finally, if any components are severely damaged, you'll need to rebuild or replace them. Hence you'll pay a higher amount.

3. How Long Do Transmission Repairs Take?

Transmissions are complex systems, and repairs need highly technical work. You would expect a longer service time with the system's complexity but not so with increased computerization. Most minor transmission repairs, like shifting issues, are relatively simple. So, your mechanic doesn't have to remove the system from your vehicle during restoration.

You'll have to wait longer for computer complex transmission repairs like complete overhauls. Complex jobs take longer because your mechanic removes and disassembles the transmission. Often, the time ranges from a few hours to four days. The bottom line is that the time taken to complete transmission repairs depends on the needed repair and your mechanic's experience.


Over time your vehicle faces wear and tear of different components. Proper maintenance saves you the inconvenience and cost of frequent repairs and replacements. The above answers provide tips for appropriate transmission maintenance and what to expect during transmission repairs. 

Take your vehicle to transmission shop such as AC Transmission Centers North to learn more.
